

VITO (Flemish Institute for Technological Research) is a leading, independent research organization owned by the Flemish govenment that provides sustainable technological solutions to industry and public authorities. The Business Unit Separation and Conversion Technology focuses on sustainable chemistry and has over 30 years of experience in membrane science and technology, covering own membrane development, lab to pilot testing, process design and modelling. As an R&D partner, VITO offers  a wide range of unique expertise and testing infrastructure both at lab and pilot-scale.

The focus of VITO is on the creation of new biobased value chains for the production of chemical building blocks, process intensification by integrating separation with conversion technologies, membrane development and membrane application testing/feasability, operating at a TRL of 1 up to 7. In addition to this, the group has developed an own innovative surface functionalization platform, capable of grafting a wide variety of chemical groups onto the surface of nano-porous ceramic membranes. The resulting grafted membranes show anti-fouling effects in difficult waste waters, and increased performance in organic solvents.