25/05/2022 Turin (Italy)
Polymers 2022 – New Trends in Polymer Science: Health of the Planet, Health of the People

The conference Polymers 2022 – New Trends in Polymers Science: Health of the Planet, Health of the People, will take place in Turin (Italy) on May 25–27, 2022.
The purpose of the meeting is to bring together scientists from academia and industry to present leading-edge research on the advancements in polymer science and technology in all its main aspects, with a particular emphasis on those aiming to preserve and improve the health of the planet and of people, as per title. The broad themes that will be addressed during the conference include synthesis, modification, and characterization of synthetic and natural polymers, polymers from green chemistry, polymer hybrids, nanocomposites, polymer biomaterials, polymers in drug delivery and tissue engineering, polymers for human health, bio-based and biodegradable polymers, polymer recycling and re-use, polymers for the environment, functional polymers, and polymers in energy, among others.
Further information are available here.